Tu Kotahi Māori Asthma Trust Correspondence Course

Introduction Tu Kotahi Māori Asthma Trust Training
Many people involved in asthma education throughout New Zealand are working in isolation with limited support from others in the asthma management field.  At present security in knowing that you are teaching the correct information in the best way possible may be difficult to assess.  Remaining updated with so much new information about asthma that is being constantly discovered, is a struggle. Meanwhile recognition for the specialised skills that many have while working in asthma education is not available.

With the logistics of time, place, level of skill, and money, the idea of developing a Correspondence Course with a certification on completion, came into being.

Currently Tu Kotahi Māori Asthma Trust offers 3 training levels. These levels are as follows:-

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Introductory Course = ‘Māori Asthma and Respiratory Training’

  • 3 day face to face training
  • Provided annually
  • FREE training
  • Cost involved is nga akonga responsibility for any transport and accommodation required
  • Held in various regions of the Lower North Island dependent on the location of the majority of attending nga akonga
  • Entry to this training is available to Nurses, Community Health Workers and Asthma Educators working in the community with Māori and their whānau who suffer from asthma.
  • The aim of this training is to develop and improve the asthma education skills of those who are working in the community with Māori and their whānau who suffer from asthma.

Update Training = ‘Māori Asthma and Respiratory Training’ Update Training

  • Update training that follows on from the initial 3 day Introductory Course
  • Provided bi-monthly to nga akonga who have attended any Introductory Course training
  • FREE training
  • Cost involved is te akonga responsibility for any transport to venue
  • Only provided in Wellington.
  • The aim of this training is to update te akonga in areas such as asthma, other respiratory conditions and other community and holistic health topics faced while working with Māori and their whānau in the community.

Level 4 – 60 credits = ‘Certificate in Asthma and Other Respiratory Conditions (Māori Community Health)’

OUTCOME STATEMENT - Nurses and Asthma Educators will be trained by correspondence to work in the Māori community to support whānau who suffer from asthma.  Graduates will have gained knowledge about the Māori and mainstream health arenas.  This knowledge base will effectively contribute to graduates existing mahi in the community to uplift health gains for Māori. Graduates will have the skills and knowledge to identify asthma and other respiratory conditions.  They will understand the principals of asthma management and monitoring asthma including knowledge of medications and devices, Hauora and Tikanga.  Graduates will develop an understanding base of asthma for Māori in the community, Māori models of health and complimentary healing, asthma guidelines and best practice.  

  • The aim of this correspondence course is to provide nurses and asthma educators an opportunity to develop a sound knowledge base of asthma, other respiratory conditions, Māori and mainstream health arenas.  This training and the resources that are provided during it will support te akonga in their mahi with whānau who suffer from asthma and other respiratory conditions in the Māori community.  
  • 18 month Correspondence Course (including Wananga and Graduation Hakari)
  • Provided annually
  • Entry requirements (see Entry Requirements section of this Handbook)
  • This course is suitable for Nurses and Asthma Educators who work in the community with Māori and their whānau who suffer from asthma
  • $6150.00 inclusive of GST for course entry split over 2 funding years. 
  • The objectives of this course (click here to open the course information booklet)
  • The course consists of:-
    •   6 Modules with corresponding assignments and readings
    •   1 Introduction Module which is introduced to nga akonga half way through the course.  There are no assignments attached to this Introduction Module
    •   Finally 1x2 day face to face Wananga to be held on completion of Module 6. (Includes Graduation Hakari).

Further Information

Contact: Cheryl Davies

Phone: (04) 939 4629

Fax: (04) 939 4640

Email: info@kokiri-hauora.org.nz

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