Kokiri Marae Health and Social Services

Essential community social services have been offered from Kokiri Marae from early in its inception until the present day. The earliest services offered targeted those most at risk within the Māori community using tikanga Māori such as manaakitanga, whānaungatanga and whakapapa.

Teresea Olsen who is the current General Manager of the Kokiri Marae Health and Social Services, formalised this service in 1980 by offering support, counselling and advocacy for and on behalf of Māori individuals and their whānau. This service has grown over the years to a point where Kokiri Marae now offers a wide range of social services to at risk Māori and their whānau.

For more information go to the following website: www.takirimai.org.nz/Services


Click on website link for more information and contact details about service

24-Hour Crisis Line

Support to Māori wahine needing assistance or needing to come into the safe house.

Kōkiri Marae Māori Women's Refuge



Tū Kotahi Māori Asthma Trust

Awhi Mai Awhi Atu

Engaging whānau/tamariki in Early Childhood Education

Nāku Ēnei Tamariki

Breast Screening Support


Mana Wāhine

Bronchiolitis Services


Tū Kotahi Māori Asthma Trust

Cancer Navigation Services


Cancer Navigation Service

Cancer Support Group


Cancer Navigation Service Te Mauri

Car Seat Rent to Own


Car Seat Rent to Own

Cervical Screening


Mana Wāhine

COPD Service


Tū Kotahi Māori Asthma Trust

Dental Service for Adults


Whai Oranga

Diabetes Service


Outreach Diabetes Service

Doctor (Wainuiomata)


Whai Oranga

Family Start


Nāku Ēnei Tamariki

GP Services (Wainuiomata)


Whai Oranga

Haakuitanga Haakorotanga Māori Parenting Programme


Nāku Ēnei Tamariki

Hapū Māmā


Whānau Ora Hapū Māmā

Health and Social Services - Wairarapa


Te Hauora Runanga o Wairarapa

He Puāwai Trust

Maara kai support

He Puāwai Trust

Homelessness Prevention Service


Homelessness Prevention

Immunisation Service


Outreach Immunisation Service

Kāti te Tūkino

Service aimed at eliminating Family Violence.

Kāti te Tūkino

Kaumātua Services


Kaumātua Services

Kokiri Marae Hireage


Kokiri Marae

Kokiri Marae Māori Women's Refuge


Kokiri Marae Māori Women's Refuge

Mana Wāhine


Mana Wāhine

Maara Kai Support


He Puāwai Trust

Men's Non-Violence Group


Tama Tū Tama Ora

Moe Ora mō ngā Pēpē

SUDI prevention education and training

Moe Ora mō ngā Pēpē

Nāku Ēnei Tamariki

Early intervention home visiting support service for young parents and their pēpē

Nāku Ēnei Tamariki

Outreach Diabetes


Outreach Diabetes

Outreach Immunisation Service


Outreach Immunisation Service

Paepae Classes


Wainuiomata Marae

Parenting Programme


Nāku Ēnei Tamariki

Pātaka Kai


Kokiri Marae Pātaka Kai

Pēpi Pod/Wahakura


Moe Ora mō ngā Pēpē


Enhancing the wellbeing of rangatahi

Tihei Rangatahi - Wainuiomata

Tihei Rangatahi - Naenae

Rangatahi Tū Rangatira

Encourage Māori fitness, health and physical wellbeing for Māori youth

Rangatahi Tū Rangatira

Regional Stop Smoking Service


Regional Stop Smoking Service

Safe House and Support

Provide short term safe and supported accommodation for Māori wahine and tamariki who are at risk of further harm through violence

Safe House

Sexual Health Services


Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

Stop Smoking Service


Regional Stop Smoking Service

Tākaro Māori


Rangatahi Tū Rangatira

Tama Tū Tama Ora

Men's non-violence group

Tama Tū Tama Ora

Te Ao Marama

Women's non-violence group

Te Ao Marama

Te Awhi Rito Hapū Wānanga


Nāku Ēnei Tamariki

Te Hauora Runanga o Wairarapa

Health and social services - Wairarapa

Te Hauora Runanga o Wairarapa

Te Kete Aronui

Therapeutic music programme for rangatahi

Te Kete Aronui

Te Kōhanga Reo


Kokiri Marae

Te Mauri

Whakamana Māori whānau with cancer

Te Mauri

Tihei Rangatahi - Wainuiomata

Enhancing the wellbeing of rangatahi

Tihei Rangatahi - Wainuiomata

Tihei Rangatahi - Naenae

Enhancing the wellbeing of rangatahi

Tihei Rangatahi - Naenae

Tū Kotahi Māori Asthma Trust


Tū Kotahi Māori Asthma Trust

Wahakura/Pēpi Pod


Moe Ora mō ngā Pēpē

Wainuiomata Marae


Wainuiomata Marae


Medical Centre - Wairarapa


Waka Ama


Kokiri Marae Taipatu Waka Ama Club

Whakaoho Wairua

An education programme for Māori women who are in, or have been in an abusive relationship

Whakaoho Wairua

Well Homes


Tū Kotahi Māori Asthma Trust

Women's Anger Management Group


Te Ao Marama

Women's Refuge - Māori


Kokiri Marae Māori Women's Refuge


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