
Branches Websites

He Puawai Trust

Naku Enei Tamariki – Māori

Tākiri Mai te Ata Trust

Tu Kotahi Māori Asthma and Research Trust

Whai Oranga o te Iwi Health Centre

History and the Treaty of Waitangi

State Services Commission - The Treaty of Waitangi
The Treaty online, resources and Treaty settlements.

NZ History Site
Links to information on the Treaty of Waitangi.

Wellington City Libraries
History, legends and language.


New Zealand Qualifications Authority
Assures secondary and tertiary qualifications and education providers.

Tertiary Education Commission
The TEC is responsible for funding the Government's contribution to tertiary education and training.

Te Waka Awhina
Association of Māori in local and regional government.

Te Whare Wananga o Aotearoa
Māori tertiary institution.

Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi
Māori tertiary institution.

Te Whare Wananga o Raukawa
Māori tertiary institution.

General Sites

Federation of Māori Authorities (FOMA)
New Zealand’s largest Māori business network.

From Hawaiki to Hawaiki
Information on the Māori people, including culture, history, mythology and whakapapa (genealogy).

Links on culture, business, history, language and rohe (tribal regions).
New Zealand search engine with Māori links directory.

Pipers New Zealand Pages
Intellectual property library with links to Māori web sites.

Te Puna Web Directory
Web directory of the National Library of New Zealand.

Te Puni Kokiri - Ministry of Māori Development
Information on events, community, business, government and Māori in New Zealand.

University of Waikato Māori Links
Culture, language, news and media.

Arts and Culture

Toi Māori Aotearoa - Māori Arts New Zealand
Information on contemporary Māori art, including events, profiles on artists, galleries and news.

Hoe Tonga Pacific Waka Ama Association
Contact information and race schedules for waka and canoe clubs.

Christchurch City Libraries - Whakapapa
Information on whakapapa books.

Business and Commerce

GYM-E - Growing Young Māori Entrepreneurs
Information on starting a business project, becoming a mentor, and more.

Māori Business Directory
Information on Māori businesses, service organisations, and professionals.

Te Awe - Wellington Māori Business Network
Promotion, assistance and encouragement for Māori in business.

Te Ohu Kai Moana - Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission
Fisheries information, including news, policies, and education.

Language and Culture

Rangatahi Tu Rangatira (R2R)
Māori Sport, Māori Games and Māori Health

Te Kete Ipurangi - The Online Learning Centre
Information on bilingual (Māori-English) education.

Karaitiana Taiuru
Information on spellcheckers, macron use, and computers.

NZ Reo
Resources for learning te Reo (Māori Language).

Māori-English translator

Māori Treasures
Information on traditional and contemporary art by Māori artists.

Pataka - Museum in Porirua
Museum displaying contemporary Māori, Pacific Island and New Zealand art.

Te Papa
The National Museum of New Zealand.


Kainga Whenua

Tena koutou e te iwi. The Kāinga Whenua loan scheme is an initiative between Kiwibank and Housing New Zealand to help Māori achieve home ownership on papakainga. Kāinga Whenua supports ahikaa and haukainga to help address whānau papakainga housing aspirations and can be used to build, buy, renovate or relocate a house on to your whenua Māori.

Kaitiaki o te Ngahere

We are committed to the ecological restoration of many natural areas around Wellington, Hutt Valley, Kapiti Coast, South Coast, Nelson, Tasman, Marlborough Sounds and South Marlborough, as well as occasional forays into Canterbury and the West Coast.

Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare Research’s core purpose is to drive innovation in the management of terrestrial biodiversity and land resources.

Ngā Whenua Rāhui- Doc

This funding programme exists to protect the natural integrity of Māori land and preserve mātauranga Māori.


Para Kore has a vision for all marae to be working towards zero waste by 2020.

Te Tumu Paeroa

We are Te Tumu Paeroa - the new Māori Trustee. We work with owners of Māori land to protect and build their assets for now, and for future generations.

Te Ture Whenua Māori Reform

Te Ture Whenua Māori Bill is designed to ensure there are appropriate safeguards for the retention of Māori land as a taonga tuku iho and to make it easier for Māori land owners to make decisions about how they wish to use their land.

Toimata Foundation

Toimata Foundation is a charitable trust focused on creative sustainability. Our programmes are collaborative, empowering and action-focused.

Whenua Māori Fund

Across the motu, whānau, hapū and iwi Māori are looking for ways to improve how their land works for them. 

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