

Because of our special relationship with Nāku Ēnei Tamariki (Māori Section) and the Kokiri Marae Māori Women’s Refuge, we are able to offer many more services to whānau including adult counselling, child counselling, living without violence education groups and parenting programmes.

All services are offered to whānau within the Māori community of the wider Hutt Valley region, are confidential and most are free of charge to the client.

As well as offering front line services, Kokiri Marae has been influential in developing public policy through its involvement in national research initiatives and making submissions to the Government. The establishment of the Kokiri Marae Māori Womens Refuge started with Kokiri Marae and as the name suggests, still remains under its umbrella.

  • Mana Wahine
  • Kokiri Marae Māori Women's Refuge
  • Tu Kotahi Māori Asthma Trust
  • Naku Enei Tamariki (Māori Section)
  • Tai Patu Waka Ama Club

For more information go to the following website:

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